"NEWSWEEK Poll: Bush Hits All-Time Low - George W. Bush has the lowest presidential approval rating in a generation, and the leading Dems beat every major '08 Republican. Coincidence?"I don't wanna comment too much on this, because really, it's kind of unsportsmanlike to boast when somebody is getting their ass kicked this bad. It would be like shit-talking a man on crutches in one-on-one basketball, or picking on a retard. I will, however, share a mean but hilarious comment someone left on Digg: "the last third is usually backwash."
Congrats, caveman-like neocon assholes! The chickens have come home to roost!
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What's very sad is that our American polls are suggesting that we have more favorable views of the Queen and Tony Blair than we do of our own leader...change is brewing. Its only a matter of time before the masses get tired of getting screwed in gas, health care, education...before the winds of change began to fan the fires of true democracy.
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